Branding Crescent Hadeed


Crescent Group is an established leader in the industrial and manufacturing sectors. In order to focus adequately on different business units, they decided to set up a dedicated company to manage their raw steel billets business. Crescent had a vision to make this new company a modern, brand-led company. They called upon us to help bring that vision to life. 


We started with understanding the history and current dynamics of the Crescent Group in order to figure out where the new brand, Crescent Hadeed would stand in relation to its sister companies. Once we had established a place for the new brand, we set out to express its core purpose through visuals and words. Raw steel is the beginning of many great things. Transport, infrastructure, energy, and many other industries rely heavily on quality steel. That’s how we arrived at the brand platform of ‘It starts from here.’ Next, we expressed this positioning through a design that shows the many ways in which steel plays a role in our lives. Titled ‘The Web of Life’, the design captures the essence of Crescent Hadeed’s vision and values.


The new brand stands strong amid a sea of competitors. The spare color palette and clean, sharp design elements allow for continuous adaptability. In short, the brand acts as a springboard for Crescent Hadeed’s future growth.